The most challenging part of alterations is understanding what customers are seeing when envisioning an alteration. I can guarantee my workmanship to be of professional quality and free of defects. The Client, their Representative, or Agent agrees to inspect the garment(s) immediately upon receipt, and to return it within one (1) week to resolve any issues of defects. To be more specific: If any stitching comes loose or a seam comes apart because of weak or inferior threads, I will repair the seam at no charge to you. All alterations will be made using measurements taken by me and checked at completion for accuracy. Items not covered: (i.) measurement changes due to weight gain or loss; (ii.) measurements taken and provided by others.
Having a big sale, on-site celebrity, or other event? Be sure to announce it so everybody knows and gets excited about it. For whatever reasons, should a garment be damaged by equipment, human error, or other means it will be replaced or you will be rembursed at full value if new: new being less than 30 days old, along with a receipt to determine its value. If the receipt is lost the price will be determined by the retailer where purchased. All other items will be priced at current market value and depreciated using a straight line method based on 3 years for all garments; except suits, which will be based on a 5 year Life Cycle. Example: a dress valued at $900.00 that is 2 years and 4 months old will be worth $200.00. If that same item were a suit, it would be worth $480.00. All items that exceed the Life Cycle stated herein will be valued at ten percent (10%) of the market value when it was purchased.
SPECIAL NOTE: If a garment is damaged by equipment and you elect to keep the garment there will be no charge for the alteration and no reimbursement for its full or depreciated value. Any garment that is replaced or reimbursed for its full or depreciated value must be surrendered to me with the knowledge that it may be repaired, altered, sold, gifted, or destroyed and written off as a loss.
Although I do provide a quick turnaround service- there are no "rush" orders taken. All work is performed in the order received and generally completed in 3 to 5 days during the regular season. Add 5 days during graduation, summer (weddings) months and holiday seasons. Completion time will vary, and is dependent on my work load and season. Any item not picked up within 60 days from the time it was Billed will be turned in for collections, or it may be donated to charity, or destroyed.
By personal check or cash only , which is required upon completion of the work. As a courtsey only, a Blling Invoice may be provided. Upon request, an estimate of work may be provided; but, it is not a guarantee of what your item will cost. I charge by the hour and any published prices are for guideline purposes only. A 50% deposit is expected up front and is non refundable. The balance is due in full upon completion, inspection, and acceptance of the work.
New York State sales tax does not apply to existing garments that are altered. However, it does apply to any new garment that is custom made and for that reason only; I will not make any new garments.
Copyright © 2025 Alterations By Elena - All Rights Reserved.